Business will rapidly change to non-face-to-face emphasis in line with the "new social style". The KEYVOX smart locker series contributes to non-face-to-face business. "I want a non-face-to-face cleaning delivery locker." "I need a non-face-to-face food delivery pickup locker." We flexibly respond to such demands. Contact our solutions team for a non-face-to-face locker solution customized for your business.

Flexible scale-up is realized by connecting multiple lockers to one control box.
Use Case
One platform for all locker businesses.
"I want to do something like this, but the locker company doesn't respond flexibly."
Have you ever had such an experience? With KEYVOX locker solutions, you can choose the locker solution that fits your business. It can be used at a low customization cost for the following use cases where unmanned, non-face-to-face, and non-contact business is conducted.
In-house PC delivery locker
Cashless (coin) lockers in public facilities
Luggage storage lockers after hotel check-out
Coworking space monthly membership locker
Lockers for C2C delivery at auction sites, etc.
B2C delivery locker for collection and delivery of cleaning stores
Delivery box in apartment
Solution brief
KEYVOX locker solution overview.
KEYVOX lockers are designed with the following design concepts in mind, so that they can quickly respond to all needs at a low cost.
Concentrate on one control box
Control box controls multiple locker doors
Connect Control Box and KEYVOX Cloud
The same key as the room key can be used
Implementing complex control on the KEYVOX cloud side
provides a sophisticated UI for users

Main machine
Sub machine
Sub machine
small only
standard size
Selectable standard size.
A KEYVOX locker consists of a main unit with a controller and subunits connected to it.
There are 3 types of subunits, large, medium, and small, and all of them are small box types.
In addition, various customizations are possible, such as making the depth 45 cm and integrating the controller with the box unit.
Colors can be freely selected from PANTONE standard colors. In addition, it is possible to flexibly customize it according to the atmosphere of the facility, such as wood grain.
Approximate cost
KEVOX locker introduction cost estimate.
KEYVOX Locker provides an inexpensive solution for each use case, but it is very rare that it can be used without software integration. Therefore, the estimated cost will be calculated after discussing the use case and required specifications with the customer.
Control boxx1
Required number of locker boxes
means of paymentxnecessary means
Change control box UI as needed
Modify KEYVOX cloud control function as needed
Installation adjustment cost
Operation and maintenance cost
3 easy steps to start KEYVOX locker.
Locker introduction procedure
Please contact us through the "Contact Us" link. The person in charge will contact you later.
We provide consulting on introduction. Please prepare in advance the model number of the door you want to move.
design development
We design and develop the necessary functions. After that, it will be delivered after installation and connection test.
Installation consultation

pin number
You can enter and exit easily and safely even with a PIN code that does not require anything.
mobile app
Simply download the KEYVOX app after admin approval.

*sold separately