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About the operation when the emergency declaration is issued


Dear Sir, I would like to congratulate you on your continued prosperity.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued patronage.


As you know, due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the declaration of a state of emergency was issued today, and the prefectural governors implemented emergency measures and restrictions on going out.

In response to this, we are planning to operate the KEYVOX service as follows.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our users, but we will implement the following system under this emergency situation and refraining from going out.

Due to the current emergency situation, we appreciate your understanding and understanding.


■ KEYVOX service management staff system

[Business] Weekdays Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00

We will respond online by email or Zoom.

[Construction] Suspension of new projects

Regarding new construction, we will discuss the schedule again after the end of the period of emergency measures and requests to refrain from going out.

[Support] Weekdays Mon-Fri 10:00-15:00

  LINE official account "KEYVOX Official Support" @keyvox

       Please search @keyvox from LINE, scan the QR code below, add friends and enter individual chat.

Even in the above system, we have established a reception system by e-mail at the following window.

If you would like to contact us, please use the contact information below.


【contact address】 (KEYVOX service receptionist)



In addition, the operation and system method will be based on the current state of emergency declaration, the expected emergency measures from the prefectural governor, and the request to refrain from going out. If there is a change due to the declaration of a state of emergency, etc., we will inform you again.

In addition, at the moment, the above operation and system are scheduled to last until May 6, 2020, but if there are any changes due to the contents of the declaration of a state of emergency or extension measures, we will contact you again. I will let you.

Thank you for your understanding.

Blockchain Rock Inc.

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